Political cartoons
Cartoon, "The Changing Face of the USA by Our Own Missouri Map Maker"
This photograph shows the political cartoon "The Changing Face of the USA by Our Own Missouri Map Maker," drawn by Sam Van Meter in 1960. The original drawing of this cartoon is in the museum collection.
Political Cartoon by Jim Ivey, "Every Boy Can Grow Up To Be President!"
This is a photograph of a political cartoon by Jim Ivey of the St. Peters Times, from 1959. It depicts Harry S. Truman looking into a newborn nursery looking at a baby, with the caption above the cartoon, "...Every boy can grow up to be President!" The original drawing of this cartoon is in the Truman Library Museum collection.
Political Cartoon by Bill Stepien
Gib Crockett Political Cartoon, "Tourist Season"
This is a photograph of a political cartoon by Gib Crockett, originally published in the Washington Evening Star on June 22, 1953. It depicts former President Harry S. Truman, in a Hawaiian shirt, standing outside the fence surrounding the White House, taking a picture of it. This original cartoon is in the museum collection of the Truman Library.
Political Cartoon by Burris Jenkins, "She Ain't What She Used To Be!"
This is a photograph of a political cartoon, entitled "She Ain't What She Used to Be!" by Burris Jenkins, originally published in the New York Journal-American. It depicts a donkey labeled "NEW DEAL" looking weak while Sam Rayburn, Alben Barkley, and J. Howard McGrath try to help the horse while other men try to harm the horse. James Farley is standing in the corner. Harry S. Truman labeled "LIGHT HORSE HARRY" approaches the horse in a jockey uniform and carrying a saddle. The original drawing of this cartoon is in the Truman Library museum collection.
Clifford Berryman Political Cartoon, "I'm Going to Run Those Dixiecrats Out of Here"
This is a photograph of a political cartoon by Clifford Berryman for the Washington Evening Star that was originally published on September 5, 1948. Democratic National Committee Chairman J. Howard McGrath is standing in front of Democratic National Headquarters holding a gun and telling President Harry S. Truman, "I'm going to run those dixiecrats out of here". Truman, sitting down in front of headquarters, responds "I'm afraid they've already gone, Howard".
Political Cartoon by Herc Ficklen, "Old Ghosts Never Die"
This is a photograph of a political cartoon by Herc Ficklen, originally published in the Dallas News in 1953. It depicts a jack-o-lantern, labeled "Chambers Documents," in a field, with a trail of a ghost coming out of it. The ghost is behind former President Harry S. Truman, tapping him on the shoulder. The original drawing of this cartoon is in the Truman Library museum collection.
Political Cartoon, "Mr. Dulles Enters the Senate"
This is a photograph of a political cartoon by Tom Little of the Nashville Tennessean, originally published July 1949. Entitled "Mr. Dulles Enters the Senate," An elephant, representing Robert A. Taft jumps as its tail is stepped on by a foot, representing John Foster Dulles.