Selected political cartoons related to President Harry S. Truman are on exhibit in the Garden Room at the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library in Independence, Missouri.
Group of political cartoons displayed in the Garden Room of the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library. These cartoons were on exhibit during the visit of former Mexican President Miguel Aleman.
Photograph of a political cartoon by Antoyo V. Matins depicting President Harry S. Truman (left) with Mexican President Miguel Aleman (right). Truman is holding a sombrero with words printed on it: "Viva Mexico, Tio Sam."
This photograph of a political cartoon from Mexico by Bemyce shows a woman washing the face of a child labeled "Cuidad de Mexico" (Mexico City) and the caption reads "Porque va a haber visita le lava la cara..."
This photograph of a political cartoon by Lichty shows men in a radio studio with the caption "Truman, since he's become Vice President is getting awfully 'conceited about the fact that he's on a big network like the professional comedians!" A sign on the wall of the studio reads "The Lavender Network Forum of the Air."
This photograph of a political cartoon shows President Harry S. Truman as a baseball player, throwing a ball labeled "the recall of Congress," at an elephant, meant to symbolize the Republican Party. The elephant is exclaiming "Oops! He threw me a curve!" The caption reads "And they said Harry didn't have anything on the ball."
This photograph of a political cartoon by Newton Pratt shows President Harry S. Truman seated at a piano. The music on the piano reads "Victory March," "Words by HST," and "Music by HST." The caption at the bottom states "They laughed when I sat down to play."
This photograph of a political cartoon by Werner shows a donkey, labeled "President Harry S. Truman's leadership," kicking a man labeled "reaction" and it has the caption "Big Opportunity."