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General Graham Goes Fishing

General Wallace Graham has gone fishing on the Big Wheel. Here he proudly shows his catch. He is President Truman's doctor, who accompanied the President on vacation in Key West, Florida. From: Naval Photo Center, sent to the Truman Library by the National Archives, 4 X 5 negatives.

Presidential Staff Taking a Moment on Truman Beach

Presidential staff relaxes on Truman Beach, Key West, Florida. President Truman is at the Little White House. From left to right: David Bell, Dr. Wallace Graham (with back to camera seated), General Harry Vaughn, Admiral Robert Dennison, Dr. John Steelman, and Harry Hopkins. From: The Naval Photo Center, sent to the Truman Library by the National Archives. Original 4 X 5 negative.

Group Leaving the Little White House

In this photo is a group leaving for Boca Chica, where they enplaned for Havana, Cuba. From left to right, front row: Lt. Commander Leo Roberts, General Wallace Graham, White House physician, and Mr. Philleo Nash. Back row left to right: Mr. Richard Neustadt, and Donald McDonald. In the far back the man is unidentified. This photo is the same as 77-2029. From: Naval Photo Center, sent to the Truman Library by the National Archives. Original 4 X 5 negative.

Color Group Photo of President Harry S. Truman and Staff

Group photo, in color, of President Harry S. Truman's staff taken indoors at the Little White House, Key West, Florida. (See 77-3276; Original autographed photograph is in the museum collection.) Left to right (front row) are General Harry Vaughan, Admiral William D. Leahy, President Harry S. Truman, John R. Steelman and Matthew Connelly. Left to right (standing) are Dr. Wallace H. Graham, Stanley Woodward, Eben A. Ayers, Robert B. Landry, Robert Dennison, Clark M. Clifford, and William D. Hassett. From: Naval Photo Center, sent to the Truman Library by the National Archives.