World War II Memorial Park in Omaha
Soldiers standing at parade rest while at the dedication of the World War II Memorial Park in Omaha, Nebraska. President Harry S. Truman attended the dedication while on his western trip.
Soldiers standing at parade rest while at the dedication of the World War II Memorial Park in Omaha, Nebraska. President Harry S. Truman attended the dedication while on his western trip.
World War II Memorial Park in Omaha, Nebraska. President Harry S. Truman spoke at the dedication while on his western trip.
World War II Memorial Park in Omaha, Nebraska. President Harry S. Truman spoke at the dedication while on his western trip.
President Harry S. Truman admires the shirt given to him by Seminole Chief William McKinley Osceola at the dedication of the Everglades National Park in Florida. From the album of the President's third vacation trip to Key West, Florida.
Seminole Indian Chief William McKinley Osceola (center, left) presents President Harry S. Truman with a traditionally-crafted shirt at the dedication of Everglades National Park. From the album of the President's third vacation trip to Key West, Florida.