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Nuremberg Trial of Major German War Criminals, Nuremberg, Germany, 1945-1946

Joachim von Ribbentrop confers with counsel during War Crimes Trials in Nuremberg, Germany

Joachim von Ribbentrop (second from right in front row of prisoner's dock, facing forward) confers with his attorney during a 15-minute break in the War Crimes Trials proceedings in Nuremberg, Germany. Others, left to right (front row of dock) are: Hermann Goering, Rudolph Hess, Wilhelm Keitel, Wilhelm Frick, and Julius Streicher; and (rear row) Erich Raeder, Baldur von Schirach, Fritz Sauckel, and Alfred Rosenberg.

View of defendants listening to prosecution at Nazi War Crimes Trials in Nuremberg, Germany

In the War Crimes Trials of Nazi leaders at Nuremberg, Germany, before the International Military Tribunal, the prosecution charges the defendants with conspiring to destroy the independence of other nations. Hermann Goering, seated in the extreme left of the defendants' box with his chin in his hand, listens as does Joachim von Ribbentrop, third from the left, who was active in framing Nazi pre-war policy.

Defendants at the Nuremberg, Germany War Crimes Trials in the Palace of Justice Courtroom

A few of the defendants at the War Crimes Trials in Nuremberg, Germany, sit in a box before the International Military Tribunal where the prosecution accuses the ex-Nazi leaders of planning to overthrow other nations. In the first row, extreme left, Alfred Rosenberg listens to the prosecution intently. Other are, left to right (front row), Hans Frank, Wilhelm Frick, Julius Streicher, Walter Funk, (back row) Alfred Jodl, Franz von Papen, Artur Seyss-Inquart, Albert Speer, and Constantin von Neurath.

Judges of the International Military Tribunal behind the bench at the Nuremberg Trials, Germany

Judges of the International Military Tribunal confer as War Crimes Trials open at Nuremberg, Germany. Passing a word with each other during the reading of the indictment are (center left) Lord Justice Geoffrey Lawrence, presiding Judge of Britain, and (center right) former United States Attorney General Francis Biddle.

View of the packed courtroom at the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials, Germany

The War Crimes trials of 20 or more former Nazi leaders is shown in progress in a courtroom at the Palace of Justice, Nuremberg, Germany, before an International Military Tribunal. On the left is a member of the prosecution team reading the indictment. The defendants are seated in two rows on the right with their counsel at tables in front of them and the American military police standing guard to the rear. Lt. Chestnut stands by mike console at right rear.

View of a packed courtroom at the Palace of Justice, Nuremberg, Germany, during the war crimes trials

The war crimes trial of 20 or more former Nazi leaders is shown in progress in a courtroom at the Palace of Justice, Nuremberg, Germany, before the International Military Tribunal. In the background on the left are members of the press with the prosecution staff seated at tables directly in front of them. In the left foreground a member of the prosecution reads the indictment. The defendants are seated in two rows on the right with their counsel at tables in front of them and the American military police standing guard to the rear.

Sidney S. Alderman reads the charging indictment at the Nuremberg war crimes trial

In the first session of the International Military Tribunal in the Palace of Justice in Nuremberg, Germany, Sydney S. Alderman (standing) of the U.S. prosecution panel reads the indictment which charges Hitler's former henchmen with war crimes. The photo shows the presiding judges in the background, sitting before the flags of Russia, Great Britain, the United States, and France.