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Truman Library Institute Board Meeting

Intermittent video with sound (rough sync) featuring portions of the 12th Annual Institute Board Meeting in the research room at the Harry S. Truman Library in Independence, MO. Meeting attendees include Ambassador Averell Harriman, Professor Thomas Blaisdell, Richard Ruetten, Theodore Wilson, Director of the Library and Institute Secretary Philip Brooks, Institute President Elmer Ellis, Institute Vice President Francis Heller, Cyrus Eaton, and Institute Treasurer Tom Evans.

President Truman Buys CARE Package to Feed Europe's Hungry People

In a Rose Garden ceremony at the White House, President Harry S. Truman hands a check for $1500 to Lt. General William N. Haskell to pay for 100 CARE packages of food to be sent to 10 heads of state in Europe for distribution among the hungry. Haskell is Executive Director of Cooperative for American Remittances to Europe, Inc. (CARE) a non-profit organization whose purpose is to supplement the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) and act as a means for the whole country to provide a hungry person in Europe with food enough for three or four weeks.

President Harry S. Truman Presented with an Award from the National Conference of Christians and Jews

President Harry S. Truman was presented with an award and a scroll by the National Conference of Christians and Jews. The award was made in recognition of the Chief Executive's efforts toward racial and religious understanding. Front row: L to R: Thomas E. Braniff, co-Chairman, National Conference of Christians and Jews; President Truman; Robert P. Patterson, Brotherhood Week Chairman; J. Robert Rubin; rear, L to R: AFL Chief William Green, Representing AFL community organizations; Louis Nizer, Chairman, NCCJ Awards Committee; Everett R. Clinchy, NCCJ President; and Marquis Childs.