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Naval officers

President Harry S. Truman Shakes Hands with George M. Brown

President Harry S. Truman shakes hands with United States Navy officer George M. Brown, just before his retirement on December 1, 1951. From left to right: Martin J. Bower, George M. Brown, Secret Service agent R. J. Jamison, President Truman, Captain Cecil Adell (mostly obscured), and Rear Admiral Robert Dennison. This ceremony took place during President Harry S. Truman's vacation to Key West, Florida, at the Boca Chica naval base.

Former President Harry S. Truman Attends Liberty Memorial Re-Dedication

Former President Harry S. Truman rides in a vintage car down a street in Kansas City, Missouri to the 40th anniversary re-dedication ceremony for Liberty Memorial. In the backseat of the car are former President Truman (left) and Admiral Arleigh Burke (right). In the front seat of the car are Judge Albert Ridge (left) and Stanford S. Block (right). They are riding in a car of the type that would have been used for the original dedication in 1921. Others in the photo are unidentified. Donor: Robert Rosenthal.

Former President Harry S. Truman Attends Liberty Memorial Re-Dedication

Former President Harry S. Truman rides in a vintage car down a street in Kansas City, Missouri to the 40th anniversary re-dedication ceremony for Liberty Memorial. In the backseat of the car are former President Truman (left) and Admiral Arleigh Burke (right). In the front seat of the car are Judge Albert Ridge (left) and Stanford S. Block (right). They are riding in a 1918 Locomobile, a car of the type that would have been used for the original dedication in 1921. Others in the photo are unidentified. Donor: Robert Rosenthal.