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Naval officers

Truman at Memorial Day services

President Harry S. Truman attends Memorial Day services at Water Gate. Front row, left to right: Press Secretary Charles Ross, Colonel Robert Landry, Brigadier General Wallace Graham (physician to the President), Captain Robert Dennison, unidentified officer, unidentified officer, President Truman, unidentified officer, unidentified officer. All others are unidentified.

Truman with Board of Trustees of FDR Memorial Foundation

President Harry S. Truman (front row, center) meeting with the Board of Trustees of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial Foundation. Seated, left to right: Frank C. Walker, President Truman, and Samuel I. Rosenman. Rear, left to right: William D. Hassett, Theodore R. Gamble, Grace G. Tully, Isador Lubin, William Green, Robert E. Sherwood, George E. Allen, Fleet Admiral William D. Leahy, William Cronin, and Peter H. Odegard.

President Harry S. Truman Dines with Friends and Associates in Independence

President Harry S. Truman enjoys a meal with a group of politicians and notables at the home of Mayor Roger T. Sermon in Independence, Missouri. Seated from left to right around the table are: Edgar Hinde, J. Leonard Reinsch, unidentified man, unidentified man, Matthew Connelly, Captain James Vardaman, Mayor Sermon, President Harry S. Truman, Charles Ross, unidentified man, General Harry Vaughan, Ted Marks, James Pendergast, and C.C. Bundschu.

Truman with the Board of Trustees of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial Foundation

President Harry S. Truman meets with the Board of Trustees of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial Foundation in the Cabinet Room of the White House. President Harry S. Truman, seated in the front center, is flanked by Frank C. Walker on the left and Samuel I. Rosenman on the right. Standing, left to right are: William D. Hassett, Theodore R. Gamble, Grace G. Tully, Isador Lubin, William Green, Robert E. Sherwood, George Allen, Admiral William Leahy, William Cronin, and Dr. Peter Odegard.