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Naval officers

President Harry S. Truman and Winston Churchill Ride in Car

Surrounded by the Secret Service, Britain's former Prime Minister, Winston Churchill (right), and President Harry S. Truman (holding his hat) sit on the back seat of an open automobile in a parade in Fulton, Missouri, where both will be presented honorary degrees from Westminster College. Also seated in the backseat of the car is Admiral William Leahy. All others are unidentified.

Naval Officers and Others on Board the USS Salem

United States Navy officers and other officials pose for a photograph on the deck of the USS Salem. First row, left to right: Sears; Ekstrom; Cassino; Briscoe; Admiral William M. Fechteler, United States Navy, Commander-in-Chief, Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE); Felt; Vice Admiral Giuseppe Lubrano, Italian Navy; Lieutenant Patrick W. Timberlake, United States Air Force; Major General Frank N. Roberts, United States Army; Rear Admiral Elmer E. Yeomans, United States Navy.