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Naval officers

Japanese Fire Station

Men pose for a photograph outside a fire station. From left to right: an unidentified American soldier, three Japanese men, and Lieutenant Commander Orville J. Emory outside a Japanese fire station with sirens above them. From Basil Rice.

President Harry S. Truman Presents Medal of Honor to Recipient

President Harry S. Truman (center at podium) is shown preparing to present the Congressional Medal of Honor to Commander Richard H. O'Kane, Dover, New Hampshire, for bravery shown as commander of the submarine the USS Tang during battle near the Philippine Islands on October 23-24, 1944. The event was held on the White House lawn. Standing on the left is President Truman's Military Aide Harry Vaughan. Standing directly behind Truman is Captain James Vardaman, Naval Aide and to his right is Admiral William Leahy.

President Harry S. Truman With Medal of Honor Recipient

President Harry S. Truman (center) is shaking hands with U.S. Army Master Sergeant Charles L. McCaha, Cosby, Tennessee, after he presented him the Congressional Medal of Honor for bravery shown during battle at Luzon, Philippine Islands on February 7, 1945. The event was held on the White House lawn. Standing to the back left of President Truman is Naval Aide Captain James K. Vardaman and directly behind Truman is Admiral William D. Leahy.

Admiral Osami Nagano

This is a portrait of Admiral of the Fleet, Osami Nagano of the Japanese Navy. He was charged with Class A war crimes before the International Military Tribunal for the Far East in Tokyo. He died of a heart attack from complications by pneumonia in prison before the conclusion of his trial.

President Harry S. Truman Takes Honors

President Harry S. Truman takes honors as he returned ashore after watching the Cornell-Navy crew races. Truman stands at attention with his hat over his heart as Navy officers salute. Also present are Secretary of the Navy John L. Sullivan (second row, second from left), General Robert Landry (second row, fourth from left, partly obscured by President Truman), and Admiral Robert Dennison (second row, fifth from left). All others are unidentified.

President Harry S. Truman With Medal of Honor Recipient and Family

President Harry S. Truman, front row, third from left, is shown at the White House lawn shortly after presenting the Congressional Medal of Honor to First Lieutenant Henry A. Commiskey, Hattiesburg, Mississippi, standing in the front row, far right, holding daughter Cassandra. First Lieutenant Commiskey was honored for bravery in Korea, September 20, 1950. Others in front row, left to right: Master Sergeant Michael Commiskey (brother), Kathleen (sister), Mrs. Commiskey (wife) holding baby son Henry A., Jr., and parents Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Commiskey.

President Harry S. Truman Awards Medal of Honor to Recipient

President Harry S. Truman (left at podium) presents First Lieutenant Henry A. Commiskey, Hattiesburg, Mississippi, (right) of the United States Marine Corps with the Medal of Honor for heroism in Korea, September 20, 1950, at a White House Rose Garden ceremony. Commiskey's daughter Cassandra is standing to his right. Some of the others present standing behind include in first row: Admiral Robert L. Dennison, Naval Aide to President Truman; Mrs. Henry A. Commiskey (wife) holding son Henry A., Jr., and General Clifton B. Cates, Commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps.