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Naval officers

Truman driving convertible

President Harry S. Truman smiles broadly as he takes the wheel of his new convertible club coupe as he starts on a drive in the Charlottesville, Virginia area during a holiday weekend vacation. With him are (from left to right, front seat) Secretary of the Treasury John W. Snyder; Stanley Woodward, State Department Protocol chief and President Truman's host; President Truman; (back seat, left to right) Rear Admiral James H. Foskett, Naval Aide; and Major General Harry H. Vaughan, military Aide. From: New York Herald Tribune

President Harry S. Truman Rides Through Berlin, Germany

From left to right (back seat): President Harry S. Truman, Secretary of State James Byrnes, and Admiral William Leahy ride in a car past the ruins of the Reichschancellery in Berlin, Germany, where Hitler often spoke from the gallery. They are driving through Berlin, surveying the damage from Allied bombing. Unidentified Secret Service men and others surround the automobile. Standing talking to President Truman is probably Harry Vaughan. Others in the background are unidentified.

Admiral Leahy and Captain Dennison

Admiral William D. Leahy (facing the camera, looking down), "The United States Navy's Number One Shellback" and Captain Robert Dennison (back turned to the camera) with crew during a ceremony for passengers and crew aboard the U.S.S. Missouri who had not yet crossed the Equator. From the album, "President Truman's visit to Rio de Janeiro".

President Truman and guests driving to Key West

President Harry S. Truman stops the motorcade at a scenic spot on the highway to Key West after going to Boca Chica to meet additional guests who arrived late. In the front seat, left to right: unidentified, Admiral William Leahy, President Truman. Back seat, left to right: Harry Vaughan, Judge John Caskie Collet, and John Steelman. From the album "The President's Trip to Key West, Florida."

Truman and Leahy in Brazil

President Harry S. Truman and Admiral William D. Leahy (standing behind Truman) at an event held while President Truman was on an official state visit to Brazil. This is possibly a meeting President Truman had with the staffs of the American Embassy and Consular staffs on September 6, 1947. Original is oversized.