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Captain Lewis Parks Views North Korean Dead

Captain of the USS Manchester, Lewis S. Parks, (center with hands on hips) view three dead North Koreans whose bodies had been brought aboard. The North Koreans unsuccessfully attempted to mine the USS Manchester in Wonson Harbor off the coast of Korea. All others are unidentified. The photograph was in an album entitled "The story of the North Korean small boat flotilla who attempted to mine us in on [sic] a dark foggy night R. Adm. Lewis S. Parks. USS Manchester."

Captain Lewis Parks and Seaman Wayne R. Byerly Admire the USS Manchester's Battle Efficiency Pennant

Captain Lewis Parks (right) and seaman Wayne R. Byerly (left) admire the Battle Efficiency Pennant presented each year to the battleship or cruiser with the best record in the Pacific area. The USS Manchester received the 1949-1950 award for service prior to Captain Lewis assuming command.

Commander Rigdon poses for a photo at Camp Shangri-la

Commander William Rigdon looks through a telescope on the patio at Shangri-la, the Navy Rest Camp in the Catoctin Mountains at the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, Maryland, frequently used as a presidential retreat. The camp has subsequently been renamed Camp David. Rigdon is Commander of the Williamsburg. From: Naval Photo Center, sent to the Truman Library by the National Archives. Original 4x5 negative.