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First visit of Josef Stalin with President Truman

First visit of Soviet Prime Minister Josef Stalin with President Harry S. Truman during the Potsdam Conference. They are at the "Little White House," the residence of President Truman during the conference. Foreground, left to right: Soviet Foreign Minister Vyascheslav Molotov; Secretary of State James F. Byrnes; Charles Bohlen, President Truman's interpreter; President Truman; Admiral William D. Leahy; V. N. Pavlov, Stalin's interpreter (partly obscured by Stalin); Prime Minister Stalin.

Stalin, Truman and Churchill engage in an informal conversation

Soviet Prime Minister Josef Stalin (second from left), President Harry S. Truman (foreground, second from right), and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill (right) and their interpreters engage in an informal conversation, prior to the opening of the Potsdam Conference. Admiral William D. Leahy (behind Truman on the left) and Clement Attlee (between Truman and Churchill) are in the background. From Potsdam album, 1945.

Opening of the Potsdam Conference

Opening session of the Potsdam Conference in Potsdam, Germany. President Harry S. Truman is seated foreground (back to camera). Soviet Prime Minister Josef Stalin is at right. British Prime Minister Winston Churchill is at left. Secretary of State James Byrnes is seated to the right of President Truman. Admiral William Leahy is seated two to the right of President Truman. British foreign minister Anthony Eden is to the left of Winston Churchill. Soviet foreign minister Vyacheslav Molotov is to the left of Prime Minister Stalin. From Potsdam album, 1945.

Stalin and Truman meet at the Potsdam Conference

Soviet Prime Minister Josef Stalin meets President Harry S. Truman for the first time at the Little White House during the Potsdam Conference. The Little White House is the residence of President Truman during the conference. Front row, from left to right: Vyacheslav Molotov, Soviet foreign minister; Secretary of State James Byrnes; President Harry S. Truman; and Prime Minister Josef Stalin. Back row, left to right: Charles Bohlen, assistant to Mr. Byrnes; Admiral William D. Leahy; and V. N. Pavlov, Russian interpreter.