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Naval officers

President Harry S. Truman Reading the Surrender Plaque on Navy Day

President Harry S. Truman (far left), Admiral Jonas H. Ingram (second from left), and Fleet Admiral William D. Leahy (third from left) read a plaque aboard the USS Missouri marking where the signing of the surrender of Japan took place. Truman was on board the USS Missouri during Navy Day celebrations in New York City, New York. Others in the background are unidentified. From the scrapbooks of Matt Connelly, Vol. 1.

President Harry S. Truman and Navy Day Celebrations

President Harry S. Truman (farthest right) watches an aerial display from the deck of the destroyer Renshaw during Navy Day celebrations in New York City, New York. Behind the President are President Truman's Naval Aide, Commodore James K. Vardaman (left), and Admiral Jonas H. Ingram (center), Commander in Chief of the Atlantic Fleet. From the scrapbooks of Matt Connelly, Vol. 1.

President Harry S. Truman Signing USS Missouri Visitor's Log

President Harry S. Truman (seated behind the desk) signs the visitor's log aboard the USS Missouri during the Navy Day celebration in New York City, New York. Standing behind the President are, from left to right, Admiral Jonas H. Ingram, Captain Stuart S. Murray, Mr. Grover Whalen, Fleet Admiral William D. Leahy, Mayor Fiorello La Guardia (partially obscured), and Commodore James K. Vardaman, Jr. Others in the background are unidentified. From the scrapbooks of Matt Connelly, Vol. 1.

President Harry S. Truman Becomes a Life Member in the Military Order of the World Wars

Members of the Military Order of the World Wars presented President Harry S. Truman with an insignia making him an Honorary Past Commander-in-Chief in the Order, as well as Life Membership certificate. President Truman was already a member of the Kansas City Chapter of the Military Order of the World Wars. From left to right: Major E. Kemper Carter, Captain Arthur Brookfield, Admiral William H. Stamon, President Truman, Commander David Sholtz, General George C. Marshall, and Colonel Edwin S. Bettelheim, Jr.

President Harry S. Truman at a Baseball Game

President Harry S. Truman (left) and Admiral William Leahy (right) enjoy the Washington Senators and St. Louis Browns baseball game. Seated behind President Truman are Matthew Connelly and William Hassett. Seated behind Mr. Hassett is Senator Alben Barkley. Seated two rows behind Admiral Leahy is Senator Arthur Vandenberg. All others are unidentified. From the scrapbooks of Matt Connelly, Vol. 1.