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Naval officers

President Harry S. Truman Reading the Surrender Plaque on Navy Day

President Harry S. Truman (far left), Admiral Jonas H. Ingram (second from left), and Fleet Admiral William D. Leahy (third from left) read a plaque aboard the USS Missouri marking where the signing of the surrender of Japan took place. Truman was on board the USS Missouri during Navy Day celebrations in New York City, New York. Others in the background are unidentified.

President Harry S. Truman and the Presidential Party Aboard the Destroyer Renshaw During Navy Day

President Harry S. Truman (third from the left) looks out over the New York Harbor from the destroyer Renshaw on Navy Day. In the background is the USS Missouri giving off a salute to the President. Also pictured is First Lady Bess Truman (to the right of her husband) and Admiral Jonas Ingram (left). Other people in the photograph are unidentified.

President Harry S. Truman, Charles Ross and Matthew Connelly at Key West

All hands turn out to welcome Press Secretary Charles Ross and Matthew Connelly to Key West, Florida. From left to right: Donald Dawson, Wallace Graham, Charles Ross (back to camera), Harry Vaughan (wearing long-sleeved shirt, obscured by Connelly), Matthew Connelly (facing right), unidentified man in striped shirt, Margaret Truman, unidentified man, John Steelman (mostly obscured by Truman), President Harry S. Truman, General Robert Landry, Governor Mon Wallgren, and Admiral Robert Dennison.

Harry Truman, Admiral Nimitz and Dr. Ralph Bunche

Former President Harry S. Truman with Retired Admiral Chester Nimitz (center) and Ralph J. Bunche (right) in San Francisco, California for the 10th Anniversary commemorative session of the United Nations. They are standing under an airplane. Photograph is signed by Admiral Nimitz and Doctor Bunche. Message reads: "To Harry S. Truman - with warm and affectionate regards" (apparently written by Admiral Nimitz). Same as 77-2752 From the album "Official Photographs Missouri State Highway Commission, Jefferson City, Missouri."

President Harry S. Truman and Margaret Truman Attend Army-Navy Game

President Harry S. Truman and his daughter Margaret Truman attend the 1952 Army-Navy game. From left to right: Ann (Mrs. Oscar) Chapman, President Truman, and Margaret Truman. Seated in the second row are General Wallace Graham, unidentified woman (mostly obscured), Admiral Robert Dennison, unidentified woman (mostly obscured), and General Robert Landry (mostly obscured). All others are unidentified.

President Harry S. Truman Attends 1952 Army/Navy Game

President Harry S. Truman attends the 1952 Army-Navy game. Front row, left to right: Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman, Ann (Mrs. Oscar) Chapman, President Truman, Margaret Truman. Seated in the second row, between Mrs. Chapman and President Truman is Admiral Robert Dennison. Seated in the second row between President Truman and Margaret is General Robert Landry. All other are unidentified.