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Secretary of the Navy Francis P. Matthews Arrives on Inspection Tour of U.S. Naval Shipyard

Dockside view taken during an inspection tour visit of Secretary of the Navy Francis P. Matthews at the U.S. Naval Shipyard located at San Francisco, California. A ship can be seen in dock on the left with sailors on board. Secretary Matthews can be seen approaching the ramp up to the main dock. Smaller boats are also in view as well as three photographers taking pictures of the occasion.

Secretary of the Navy Francis P. Matthews on Inspection Visit of U.S. Naval Shipyard

This scene includes a partial view of a Gray Line sightseeing bus filled with U.S. Navy personnel and others taken during an inspection tour visit of Secretary of the Navy Francis P. Matthews to the U.S. Naval Shipyard at San Francisco, California. Secretary Matthews is seated in civilian clothes directly behind the bus driver. Other Navy officers in view are not identified.

Secretary of the Navy Francis P. Matthews on Inspection Visit of U.S. Naval Shipyard

Distance view of an honor guard and military band while Secretary of the Navy Francis P. Matthews is on an inspection visit of the U.S. Naval Shipyard located at San Francisco, California. View includes the touring bus on the right used by the Secretary as well as various buildings located near the dock. Secretary Matthews is wearing a top coat and standing with a group of Naval officers in front of the band.

Secretary of the Navy Francis P. Matthews on Inspection Visit of U.S. Naval Shipyard

This scene includes a partial view of a Gray Line sightseeing bus filled with U.S. Navy personnel and others taken during an inspection tour visit of Secretary of the Navy Francis P. Matthews to the U.S. Naval Shipyard at San Francisco, California. Secretary Matthews is seated in civilian clothes directly behind the bus driver. Other Navy officers in view are not identified.

Secretary of the Navy Francis P. Matthews on Inspection Visit of U.S. Navy Shipyard

Dockside view taken during an inspection tour visit of Secretary of the Navy Francis P. Matthews at the U.S. Naval Shipyard located at San Francisco, California. Ships can be seen in dock with sailors on board and a band and honor guard is at attention on the dock. It looks like Secretary Matthews is walking toward a group of officers standing on the center far left of the photograph.

Secretary of the Navy Francis P. Matthews on Inspection Visit of U.S. Navy Shipyard

View of two Gray Line Sightseeing buses taking U.S. Secretary of the Navy Francis P. Matthews, various Naval officers and others on a tour of the U.S. Naval Shipyard located at San Francisco, California. Secretary Matthews is partially in view seated directly behind the bus driver in the first bus. They appear to have just entered the inside of a dock side building.

Secretary of the Navy Francis P. Matthews on Inspection Tour of U.S. Naval Shipyard

Partial view of Gray Line Sightseeing bus taking U.S. Secretary of the Navy Francis P. Matthews, various Naval officers and others on a tour of the U.S. Naval Shipyard located at San Francisco, California. Secretary Matthews is in view seated directly behind the bus driver. They appear to be inside a dock side building with various vending machines in view.

Secretary of the Navy Francis P. Matthews on Inspection Visit of U.S. Naval Shipyard

Secretary of the Navy Francis P. Matthews is shown in the center with pen in hand signing at a podium. He is surrounded by other men both military and civilian. Secretary Matthews is on an inspection visit at the U.S. Naval Shipyard located in San Francisco, California. The group is getting ready to board a Grey Line sightseeing bus used to tour the facility. Others in view are not identified.