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Naval officers

Inscribed Photo to Captain Lewis Parks from Rear Admiral Allan E. Smith

Captain Lewis S. Parks, right, stands next to Rear Admiral US Navy Allan E. Smith, Commander of the United Nations Blockading and Escort Forces. The photo was taken off the Korean Coast. The photograph is inscribed: To Captain Lewis Parks USN/With an appreciation of your combat efficiency and effectiveness in Command Task Group 95 and in fighting the enemy night and day during February - March - April - May 1951 in Wonsan, Korea. / Allan E. Smith, Rear Admiral US Navy Commander United Nations Blockading and Escort Forces.

Rear Admiral Allan E. Smith

Rear Admiral Allan E. Smith, United States Navy, Commander of the United Nations Blockading and Escort Forces, holds a fabric banner with Taiwanese writing. It is presumed the banner was given to Smith during a Taiwanese delegation's visit to the USS Manchester while ported in Keelung Harbor, Taiwan.

Captain Lewis S. Parks Poses with Keelung, Taiwan Officials

Lewis Parks, Captain of the USS Manchester, poses for a photo with officials from Keelung, Taiwan. Left to right, Colonel Charles C. Chang, Colonel Para-troopers; Major General J.P. Chiang, Deputy Commander Keelung Fortress Command (for Major General P. Tan, Commander of Coast Defenses); Mr. R.S. Hsu, Keelung Harbor Bureau Director; Captain Lewis S. Parks, United States Navy; Mr. K.Y. Hsieh, Mayor of Keelung, Taiwan; Major General S. W. Ch'en, Port Commander.