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Military police

Secretary Pace at Heidelberg

Secretary of the Army Frank Pace (foreground, in civilian clothing) visits Heidelberg to observe the Joint Army, Navy, and Air Force Review. Walking behind Secretary Pace are General Thomas T. Handy and Lieutenant General Manton Eddy, Commanding General of the Seventh Army. All other soldiers are unidentified.

Secretary Pace Talks with People in a Jeep

Secretary of the Army Frank Pace sitting in a jeep, talking with military leaders during his visit to Grafenwohr, Germany. Sitting in the back of the jeep are Major General Thomas S. Timberman, Commanding General of the First Infantry Division (left) and Major General John E. Dahlquist, Commanding General, Fifth Corps. Seated in the front are Secretary Pace (left, back to camera) and Sergeant Flanagen of the First Military Police Company in the driver's seat. Standing beside the jeep is Lieutenant Colonel D. P. Yeull. Other soldiers in background are unidentified.

Military Police at the University of California, Berkeley, During President Truman's Appearance

Military Police positioned in front of the stands at the University of California, Berkeley, stadium during President Harry S. Truman's visit where he received an honorary degree and spoke to the graduating class. (Same as 59-263) From: Naval Photo Center, sent to the Truman Library by the National Archives. Original 4x5 negative.