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Military funerals

Leslie Coffelt Funeral Services

Pallbearers carry the flag-draped casket of Private Leslie Coffelt during funeral services at Arlington National Cemetery. Coffelt, a member of the White House Police Force and formerly in the United States Army, was killed while protecting President Harry S. Truman from an assassination attempt at Blair House on November 1, 1950. Pictured: Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman (far right of coffin); Mrs. Ann Chapman (second from right of coffin). All others unidentified.

Leslie Coffelt Funeral Services

President Harry S. Truman (center, right) and First Lady Bess W. Truman (center, left) attend the funeral services for White House Police Force guard and former U.S. Army draftee Leslie Coffelt at Arlington National Cemetery. Coffelt was killed while protecting President Harry S. Truman from an assassination attempt at Blair House on November 1, 1950. All others unidentified.

Preparations for Funeral at Truman Library

Pallbearers and members of the Honor Guard practice the funeral ceremony in the auditorium of the Truman Library in preparation for the funeral of former President Harry S. Truman. The pallbearers are identified, left to right, near side: Sgt. Greg Kulick, Army; Seaman David Elmendorf, Navy; Seaman James Brainard III, Coast Guard; Sgt. Juan Escobar, Marines. Left to right, far side: Sgt. Tim Phillips, Marines; S/Sgt. Bill Taylor, Air Force; Seaman Richard Seid, Navy; casket bearer team leader Sgt. Lyle Gray, Army (obscured).

Truman Funeral at Truman Library

The burial service of former President Harry S. Truman takes place in the courtyard of the Truman Presidential Library. Father John H. Lembcke, Jr., presides as officiating minister. Bess W. Truman and Margaret Truman Daniel are seated near the head of the casket. An unidentified man places a floral tribute on the casket of Mr. Truman. The pallbearers leave in formation on the left. The pallbearers are identified, left to right, near side: casket bearer team leader Sgt. Lyle Gray, Army; Seaman Richard Seid, Navy; S/Sgt. Bill Taylor, Air Force; Sgt. Tim Phillips, Marines.

Funeral of Former President Harry S. Truman

Military pallbearers fold the flag draped on the casket of former President Harry S. Truman during his funeral in the courtyard of the Truman Library. The pallbearers are identified, left to right, near side: casket bearer team leader Sgt. Lyle Gray, Army; Seaman Richard Seid, Navy; S/Sgt. Bill Taylor, Air Force; Sgt. Tim Phillips, Marines. Left to right, far side: Sgt. Juan Escobar, Marines; Seaman James Brainard III, Coast Guard; Seaman David Elmendorf, Navy; Sgt. Greg Kulick, Army. Former First Lady Bess W. Truman is seated near the head of the casket. Father John H. Lembcke, Jr.