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Military funerals

Funeral Services for Leslie Coffelt of the White House Police

President Harry S. Truman and First Lady Bess W. Truman at Arlington National Cemetery, attending funeral services for Private Leslie Coffelt of the White House Police, who was killed while protecting President Truman from an assassination attempt on November 1. Walking behind President and Mrs. Truman are (left to right) General Robert Landry, General Harry Vaughan, and General Wallace Graham. All others are unidentified.

Remains of Sergeant 1st Class John Rice carried through Arlington Cemetery

The traditional artillery funeral caisson carrying the remains of Sergeant 1st Class John Rice wends its way through Arlington National Cemetery to the grave. A full-blooded Winnebago Indian, his family had been refused burial of his remains by a cemetery in his native Sioux City, Iowa. President Harry S. Truman stepped in and arranged for his burial with full military honors in Arlington National Cemetery. Sgt. Rice was killed in action in Korea, September 6, 1950. See also 77-1710. From: Arthur Marasco.

Funeral services for Sergeant 1st Class John Rice at Arlington

Volunteer pallbearers of the 3rd "Old Guard" Infantry Regiment lift the flag over the casket of Sergeant 1st Class John Rice who was killed in action in Korea, September 6, 1950, while leading his squad in a First Cavalry Division attack. A full-blooded Winnebago Indian, his family had been refused burial of his remains by a cemetery in his native Sioux City, Iowa. President Truman stepped in and arranged for his burial with full military honors in Arlington National Cemetery. Family mourners are seated in the front row. In the wheelchair is Sergeant Rice's mother, Mrs. Samie Davis.