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Military ceremonies, honors, and salutes

Lieutenant General Louis W. Truman Salutes the Troops During His Farewell Review

Lieutenant General Louis W. Truman (left) and Brigadier General Patrick Cassidy (right) along with an unidentified officer (center) salute during the farewell review for General Truman. Lieutenant General is leaving as the Commanding Officer of the United States Army VII Corps, stationed in Germany. All others in the background are unidentified.

Lieutenant General Louis W. Truman Salutes the Colors During Farewell Review

Lieutenant General Louis W. Truman (center), with two unidentified officers, salutes the colors during the review of the troops at the farewell review held in honor of General Truman. Lieutenant General Truman was leaving as Commanding Officer of the United States Army VII Corps stationed in Germany. All other soldiers are unidentified.

Lieutenant General Truman and Deputy Mayor Poignon Participate in Anniversary Celebrations

Deputy Mayor of Remiremont, France Georges Poignon (left) and Lieutenant General Louis W. Truman (right) along with representatives from ten other civic officials participated in the celebrations in observance of the 46th Anniversary of the VII Corps, held at Kelley Barracks, Stuttgart, Germany. All others are unidentified.

Lieutenant General Truman and Deputy Mayor Georges Poignon Salute the Colors

Lieutenant General Louis W. Truman (center, rear), Deputy Major Georges Poignon (front, right), and an unidentified solder salute the colors during the Honor Guard ceremony held as part of the celebration of the 46th Anniversary of the VII Corps. The ceremony was held at Kelley Barracks, Stuttgart, Germany. All other soldiers are unidentified.

Change of Command Ceremony for Special Troops

Lieutenant Colonel Krieger (center left) and Lieutenant Colonel Love (center right) stand at attention during Change of Command ceremonies in which Colonel Krieger took command of the Special Troops from Colonel Love. Lieutenant General Louis W. Truman and Margaret S. (Mrs. Louis) Truman can be seen in the stands behind the two colonels (front row of grandstand, fifth and sixth from left). All others are unidentified.