President Harry S. Truman (center, in civilian clothes) shakes hands with unidentified military officers during a visit to the U. S. Marine Base at Quantico, Virginia. All others are unidentified.
President Harry S. Truman inspects the rifle of an unidentified Marine during a visit to the U. S. Marine Base at Quantico, Virginia. From left to right: General Harry Vaughan (background); unidentified Marine; unidentified; Admiral Robert Dennison; General Robert Landry; President Truman. All others are unidentified.
President Harry S. Truman's procession drives past units of the 2nd Armored Division, deployed on the autobahn leading from Potsdam to Berlin, Germany. President Truman is in the area to attend the Potsdam Conference.
President Harry S. Truman (center) with President of Brazil Eurico Gaspar Dutra (center right) are standing as they review a Brazilian Independence Day parade. Standing on the left of President Truman is First Lady Bess W. Truman. Margaret Truman is fifth from the left. All others are unidentified.
President Harry S. Truman (back to camera, right) is honored at the United States Naval Base in Portsmouth, New Hampshire by Marine Guards. All others are unidentified. President Truman stopped in Portsmouth during his 1952 presidential campaign trip for Democratic candidates Adlai Stevenson and John Sparkman.
The Brazilian Independence Day Parade took place in Rio de Janeiro, during the visit of President Harry S. Truman to Brazil. This photograph was taken from the terrace of the seventh floor of the Standard Oil Building in Rio de Janeiro.
Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson (in civilian clothes) is standing in the back of the leading half-track as he inspects the 2nd Armored Division in Berlin, Germany during the Potsdam Conference. All others are unidentified.
President Harry S. Truman (walking in front of troops, right, in civilian clothes) inspects 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment in Frankfurt, Germany, during a break in the Potsdam Conference. The break occurred as a result of the British parliamentary elections. General Dwight D. Eisenhower (walking in front of troops, center) joined President Truman for the inspection. All others are unidentified.
General Ferdinando Raffaelli, Chief of Staff of the Italian Air Force visits the Hamilton Air Force Base and is greeted by the Honor Guard upon arrival.
Major General Robert Landry attends Hamilton Air Force Base review in California. From left: Major General Robert Landry, Colonel Wilton Earle, and Lieutenant Colonel Powell.