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Military ceremonies, honors, and salutes

Presidential Trip to Fort Benning, Georgia

President Harry S. Truman, left, accompanied by Secretary of Defense Louis A. Johnson on the right and Major General Withers A. Burress, Commanding General of the Infantry Center in the middle, pass through a honor guard of Third Infantry Division troops while visiting Fort Benning, Georgia. Photograph is part of a scrapbook identified as "The Infantry Center, Fort Benning, Ga., 21 April 1950. Visit of Harry S. Truman, President of the United States."

Presidential Trip to Fort Benning, Georgia

President Harry S. Truman is shown on the far left standing on a reviewing stand with the presidential seal in view in the center. Those with him are left to right: Secretary of Defense Louis A. Johnson; Major General Percy W. Clarkson, Commanding General of the Third Infantry Division; and Major General Withers A. Burress, Commanding General of the Infantry Center. The occasion is the Third Infantry Division Review during President Truman's trip to Fort Benning. Photograph is part of a scrapbook identified as "The Infantry Center, Fort Benning, Ga., 21 April 1950. Visit of Harry S.

Presidential Trip to Fort Benning, Georgia

The massed colors of the Third Infantry Division parade before President Harry S. Truman during his visit to Fort Benning, Georgia. Truman is standing in the front row of the reviewing stand, third from the right. Secretary of Defense Louis A. Johnson is standing to Truman's left. Various cabinet members may be in the back row. Photograph is part of a scrapbook identified as "The Infantry Center, Fort Benning, Ga., 21 April 1950. Visit of Harry S. Truman, President of the United States."

Presidential Trip to Fort Benning, Georgia

Identified as President Harry S. Truman, standing in the center being greeted by Major General Percy W. Clarkson, Commanding General of the Third Infantry Division before a review of the troops. Standing to the left of Truman by the car door is Louis A. Johnson, Secretary of Defense. Onlookers are also in view. Photograph is part of a scrapbook identified as "The Infantry Center, Fort Benning, Ga., 21 April 1950. Visit of Harry S. Truman, President of the United States."

U.S. Navy Secretary Francis P. Matthews Preparing to Leave Okinawa

Francis P. Matthews, United States Navy Secretary (1949-1951) is shown departing from Naha Air Base, Okinawa, Japan. A military band, flag detail, honor salute by a group of soldiers as well as a partial view of the Navy airplane are in view. In the distance a ship can be seen on the sea. This photograph is part of a scrapbook entitled "Hon. Francis P. Matthews, the Secretary of the Navy visits Okinawa, Ryukyu Islands on Sunday, 19 November 1950."

U.S. Navy Secretary Francis P. Matthews Arriving in Okinawa

Francis P. Matthews, United States Navy Secretary (1949-1951) is shown having just stepped off a Navy airplane as he arrives at Naha Air Base, Okinawa, Japan. He is being welcomed by a honor line of military personnel giving a salute. This photograph is part of a scrapbook entitled "Hon. Francis P. Matthews, the Secretary of the Navy visits Okinawa, Ryukyu Islands on Sunday, 19 November 1950."