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Military bases

President Truman Arrives at Waller Field in Trinidad

President Harry S. Truman and his party arrive on the presidential plane Independence at Waller Field, Trinidad, BWI. They are greeted by the commanding officer, Col. John M. Schweizer, Jr. They are on a stop over on their way to Brazil. This is a recording of the Radio Trinidad broadcast of the arrival. Donated by Suzan Schweizer. Albums have non-sequential sides (one album has part 1 and 3, the other has part 2 and 4).

Korean War Home Movies by Charles Spurlin

Home movies taken during the Korean War by American soldier Charles Spurlin, exact date unknown, c. 1951-1953. Most of this reel was taken from a moving vehicle and is fast-moving and jumpy. It shows the Korean countryside, local residents going about daily life, and activities at an unidentified military base. There are a couple of glimpses of military airplanes flying overhead. The quality of this footage varies from fair to good.