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Gold Star mothers in Paris, France

A group of "Gold Star" mothers poses before the gates of the Suresnes American Cemetery near Paris, France. The individuals are unidentified, but on the left is A. Robert Ginsburgh who, along with other Army officers, accompanied the group as they visited the graves of their sons and several monuments. The Suresnes Cemetery contains 1,541 graves. The men buried there died during WWI in hospitals located in Paris, or at other places in the Services of Supply.

Gold Star mothers visit St. Mihiel Memorial in France

A group of Gold Star mothers visits the St. Mihiel Memorial commemorating the capture of the St. Mihiel salient by the American First Army, the operations of the American Second Army on November 9-11, 1918, and other combat services of the American Division, located on the high isolated hill of Montsec, France. A. Robert Ginsburgh is in the group, along with other Army officers, who accompanied the group on their visit to the graves of their sons and several monuments.