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Colorado Exhibit at Library of Congress

Clockwise, from left: Mrs. Ann Chapman; Vice Admiral John Shafroth; Mrs. Helena Shafroth (mostly obscured); Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman; and Verner W. Clapp, Chief Assistant Librarian for the Library of Congress examine a document from the Colorado Exhibit at the Library of Congress. The exhibit celebrated the 75th anniversary of Colorado Statehood. From: Oscar Chapman Scrapbook

Truman with librarians at Library

Former President Harry S. Truman meets with librarians at the Harry Truman Library in Independence, Missouri. From left to right: former President Truman, Dr. Ralph Ellsworth, University of Colorado; S. Harrison Thompson, University of Colorado; LeMoyne Anderson, Colorado State University; Dr. Ralph Parker, University of Missouri; and Frank Lundy.

Librarians with Truman

Librarians with Former President Harry S. Truman at the Truman Library. From left to right: Prof. S. Harrison Thompson, University of Colorado; Dr. Ralph Ellsworth, University of Colorado; LeMoyne Anderson, Colorado State University; Dr. Ralph Parker, University of Missouri; Frank Lundy, University of Missouri; Thomas Buckman, University of Kansas; Former President Truman; Dr. Homer Thomas, University of Missouri; W. Stuart Forth, University of Kansas; L. E. J. Helyar; Dr. Joe W. Kraus, Kansas State University; Eugene Johnson, University of Nebraska; Terence Williams; and Dr. Philip C.

Librarians meeting with Mr. Truman

Librarians with Former President Harry S. Truman at the Truman Library. From left to right: Prof. S. Harrison Thompson, University of Colorado; Dr. Ralph Ellsworth, University of Colorado; LeMoyne Anderson, Colorado State University; Dr. Ralph Parker, University of Missouri; Frank Lundy, University of Missouri; Thomas Buckman, University of Kansas; Former President Truman; Dr. Homer Thomas, University of Missouri; W. Stuart Forth, University of Kansas; L. E. J. Helyar; Dr. Joe W. Kraus, Kansas State University; Eugene Johnson, University of Nebraska; Terence Williams; and Dr. Philip C.

Truman with others at the White House

A visit by a group from the American University Institute on the Preservation and Administration of Archives, to the White House. Left to right: front row: Dr. Ernst Posner, Dr. Catheryn Seckler-Hudson, two unidentified nuns, President Harry S. Truman, an unidentified woman, Katherina (Mrs. Ernst) Posner, and two unidentified priests. Behind Dr. Seckler-Hudson, stands Miss Helen L. Chatfield. Far back row to right of President Harry S. Truman, Dr. Robert H. Bahmer. Behind Mrs. Posner is Mr. David C. Mearns. The rest of the people in the photo are unidentified.