Women Strikers Prepare for Picket Duty
Women strikers prepare for picket duty at the Brass Rail. They are in underwear, putting on makeup. The Brass Rail is a non-union restaurant. From: Photos used in the 1984 Truman Centennial Exhibit.
United Mine Workers President John L. Lewis (right) and Bituminous Operators Group Chairman Ezra Van Horn (left) meet with Secretary of Labor Lewis B. Schwellenbach (center) in the Labor Department. From the scrapbooks of Matt Connelly, Vol. 1.
Members of the Labor and Manpower Division of the United States Economic Cooperation Administration are posing for a photograph with Greek Trade Unionists at a Labor Day parade in Athens, Greece. Among those present are John Litsas, Pay Frayne, and James Leontarides. All others are unidentified.