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Labor leaders

Double Photo of Alvanley Johnston, President of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and A. F. Whitney, President of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen

No transportation problems worried the leaders of the two striking railroad unions, Alvanley Johnston, President of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and A. F. Whitney, President of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, because they did their traveling afoot to conferences in efforts to settle their wage dispute. Johnston,(L)and Whitney in picture on left. On right are Whitney (L) and Johnston. From: Beth Gore.

Photo of American Legion National Commander Paul H. Griffith giving a press conference

National Commander Paul H. Griffith, shown here, telling a press conference that the American Legion would "start from scratch" and cooperate with General Omar N. Bradley, Veterans Administrator, in carrying out VA programs. He indicated the Legion would "let bygones be bygones" and discontinue the running battle carried on against Bradley by former Commander John Steele. From: Beth Gore

President Harry S. Truman addresses members of the CIO Political Action Committee

President Harry S. Truman addresses members of the CIO Political Action Committee in the White House Rose Garden. Behind him on the porch are: (left to right) CIO President Phil Murray; Allan S. Haywood, CIO Executive Vice President; Roger Tubby (rear), Assistant White House Press Secretary; and David J. McDonald, Secretary-Treasurer CIO-PAC. Donor: Hennepin County Historical Society.

Photo of Cyrus S. Ching

A photo of Cyrus S. Ching, 71 year old labor relations expert of the U. S. Rubber Company, after his appointment by President Harry S. Truman to be the Director of the new Independent Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service created by the Taft-Hartley Labor Law. From: Beth Gore.