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Commercial Studios, Oakland (Calif.)

President Truman with group of cheering Kennedy-Johnson campaign women at the Harry S. Truman Dinner given by the AFL-CIO in Oakland, California

President Truman with group of cheering Kennedy-Johnson campaign women at the Harry S. Truman Dinner given by the AFL-CIO in Oakland, California. From a leather bound album entitled Harry S. Truman Dinner presented by the Central Labor Council of Alameda County.

Former President Truman with group of cheering Kennedy-Johnson campaign women at the Harry S. Truman Dinner given by the AFL-CIO in Oakland, California

Former President Harry S. Truman with group of cheering Kennedy-Johnson campaign women at the harry S. Truman Dinner given by the AFL-CIO in Oakland, California. From a leather bound album entitled Harry S. Truman Dinner presented by the Central Labor Council of Alameda County.

Former President Truman addressing the attendees at the Harry S. Truman Dinner given by the AFL-CIO at Oakland, California

Former President Harry S. Truman addressing the attendees at the Harry S. Truman Dinner given by the AFL-CIO at Oakland, California. The event was held at the Claremont Hotel. From a leather bound album entitled Harry S. Truman Dinner presented by the Central Labor Council of Alameda County.