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International organization

Group of Attendees at United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration Meeting

This is a photograph of a group of attendees to the UNRRA (United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration) meeting held in Montreal, Canada. The only woman in view is Ellen S. Woodward, a member of the Social Security Board. Dean Acheson is seated on the far right and represented the United States State Department. Standing in the center, fifth from the right, is George L. Warren, a long time principal adviser on refugees and displaced persons for the Department of State. Others in view are not identified.

Galo Plaza, President of Ecuador, Addressing the Council of the Organization of American States

Ecuadorian President Galo Plaza (standing) addressing the members of the Council of the Organization of American States at the Pan American Union, Washington D.C. From the Department of State Album: "Visit of His Excellency, Galo Plaza, President of Ecuador to the United States of American, June 20 to 29, 1951"

The Truman Family on Their Way to Meet Dag Hammarskjöld

New York, New York. Full-length photo of former President Harry S. Truman, Mrs. Bess Truman and their daughter, Margaret (right), are shown at the United Nations on their way to pay a visit to Dag Hammarskjöld, Secretary General of the world organization. Earlier in the day, Mr. Truman told reporters the American Legion went "haywire" for urging Congress to withdraw U.S. support for UNESCO.

President Truman and Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt Visit in Oval Office

July 1, 1948. With President Harry S. Truman's announcement today that Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt will be acceptable to him as a vice-presidential candidate on the Democratic ticket in November, and his prediction of his own nomination for the presidency on the first ballot at the Democratic Convention in Philadelphia two weeks hence; the pictured duo - President Truman and Mrs. Roosevelt - may well be the Democratic slate in November. Photo of President Truman and Mrs. Roosevelt was taken 2/27/46 when Mrs.

President Harry S. Truman Welcomes Saudi Arabian Delegates to the United Nations General Assembly

President Harry S. Truman and First Lady Bess W. Truman greet representatives of Saudi Arabia at a reception at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City for delegates to the United Nations General Assembly which is convening for the first time in the United States. Left to right in the receiving line: James H. Foskett, Naval Aide to the President; Bess Truman; Harry S. Truman; General Harry Vaughan, Military Aide to the President. The others are unidentified. (Larger version of 66-2571) From: Truman Home.