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Indians of North America

Native American picture

This photograph was taken in Havre, Montana, while President Truman was traveling through the area on the way back from visiting the Grand Coulee Dam. The people shown in the picture are, from left to right, George N. McCabe, Mary Buffalo, Nora Spanish, Bill Spanish, Ruben Black Boy, Bill Buffalo Hide, Cecile Black Boy, Bernice Lewis, and Mrs. W. W. Hamilton.

President Truman Smokes Peace Pipe with Chief First To Fly

President Harry S. Truman meets with Native Americans on the rear platform of his train while on a Whistlestop tour in support of Adlai Stevenson's presidential campaign. He smokes a peace pipe with Assiniboine Chief First to Fly (shown at right with horned ceremonial head gear) in Glasgow, Montana. Two years earlier, President Truman had been made "Chief Bear Soldier" by the Assiniboine (Hohe Nakota) people. The other two Native Americans are unidentified.

Ivy W. Duggan Gets Inducted

Ivy W. Duggan (third from left) is inducted into the Spokane Indian Tribe as Chief Chinchess Hoolulim. His title means "a helper with money" and he was inducted to help the people with their money so they could begin to farm and carry out farm operations. All others are unidentified.