The District of Columbia's float in the 1949 Inaugural parade had an eagle, the Washington Memorial and the United States flag. Donor: Jerrold Gilbert.
The float of the state of Florida in the 1949 inaugural parade reads, "Florida, Where Summer Spends the Winter." All are unidentified. Donor: Jerrold Gilbert.
Tennessee's float in the 1949 Inaugural parade reminds the crowd that it is "The Volunteer State" with its lettering on the front. All are unidentified. Donor: Jerrold Gilbert.
The city of Chicago's float in the 1949 inaugural parade has a large heart that reads, "Chicago's Heart Turned the Tide to Victory." All are unidentified. Donor: Jerrold Gilbert.
Missouri's float in the 1949 inaugural parade depicts the White House, the state seal, and proclaims, "Our Greatest Missourian Harry S. Truman." It also highlights Independence, Truman's hometown, and Lamar, his birthplace. All are unidentified. Donor: Jerrold Gilbert.
The state of Nevada's float in the 1949 inaugural parade, which illustrates some of the industries and activities in the state. All are unidentified. Donor: Jerrold Gilbert.