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Inauguration Day

Inauguration of President Truman

Inaugural ceremonies of President Harry S. Truman and Vice President Alben Barkley, U.S. Capitol building, Washington, DC. In three parts. Part 1: Opening prayer by Dr. Edward Pruden; Star-Spangled Banner by Phil Regan; Justice Stanley Reed administers the oath of office to Vice President Barkley; prayer by Rabbi Samuel Thurman. Part 2: Chief Justice Fred Vinson administers the oath of office to President Harry Truman; part 1 of Truman's Inaugural Address, ending in point four.

The Clinton family at the Inaugural Gala, 1993

Shown at the Inaugural Gala on stage at Capital Centre, the First Lady, Hillary Rodham Clinton, wears the gown she donated to the Harry S. Truman Library. With on the front row, are some of the entertainers who appeared in performance that evening. From far left: Barbara Hendricks, President Bill Clinton, Mrs. Clinton, Stephen Stills, Michael Jackson, Stevie Nicks, Albert Gore III, Tipper Gore, Lindsey Buckingham, Aretha Franklin, and Little Richard. From: Lenore Bradley, Whistle Stop Editor