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Historic sites

Marker on El Camino Real

Marker on El Camino Real, blazed in 1691 (Now Route 6) at the Historic Fort Jesup, Sabine Parish, Louisiana. Only the cemetery, mess hall, and pillars for the Barracks remain of the Fort, which was abandoned when the Mexican War broke out. Sent to President Harry S. Truman by John D. O'Halloran, who knew of President Truman's interest in the Old Trails Road Association.

Sign in front of the Jackson County Courthouse, Independence, Missouri

Snapshot of monument erected in 1948 at the Jackson County Courthouse in Independence, Missouri, by order of the Jackson County Court, which reads: Here the Oregon Trail began. This monument honors the pioneer spirit of those courageous men and women who, by their heroic trek across the continent, established homes and civilization in the far northwest. From: A.W. Easter.