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Historic buildings

President Truman's Study, Second Floor Oval Room

President Harry S. Truman's study, second floor oval room. The Dutch Harbor painting "At the Beach at Scheveningen" by Hendrik William Mesdag, is above the mantel. The portrait of President Truman's mother, Martha Ellen Truman, by Jerry Farnsworth, is to the left of the fireplace. The Steinway grand piano to the right of the fireplace and the bookends on the piano, are all part of the museum collection of the Harry S. Truman Library. From: White House official photograph, no. 11 DE 78 F1863-01. Not to be reproduced without permission from the office of the Curator, the White House.

President Truman's Study, Second Floor Oval Room

President Harry S. Truman's study, second floor oval room, pre-1948 renovation. The painting above the mantel is "At the Beach of Scheveningen" by Hendrik William Mesdag. This painting is now in the museum collection of the Harry S. Truman Library. From: White House official photo, no. 11 DE 78 F1863-03. Not to be reproduced without permission of the office of the Curator, White House.

President Truman's Study, Second Floor Oval Room

President Harry S. Truman's study, second floor oval room, pre-1948 renovation. The painting "At the Beach at Scheveningen" (Dutch Harbor) by Hendrik William Mesdag can be seen hanging above the mantel. The painting of President Truman's mother, Martha Ellen Truman, by Jerry Farnsworth, hangs to the left of the mantel. A Steinway grand piano is to the right of the mantel. All these objects are now in the museum collection of the Harry S. Truman Library. From: White House official photograph, no. 11 DE 78 F1863-02.

China Room at the White House

The first floor China Room of the White House. In this room were examples of china from almost every family who had lived in the White House. The Christy portrait of Mrs. Calvin Coolidge hangs there. This photo can be found in the book "The White House and Its Thirty-Four Families" by Amy La Follette Jensen. The National Archives number for this photo is 79-AR-1700-1Y. The Truman Library purchased this photo from them in 1979.