Presentation of a Check to President John F. Kennedy
President John F. Kennedy (second from right) receives a check from three unidentified men in the Oval Office of the White House. Edward H. Foley, Chairman of the 1961 Inaugural Committee, stands at far right. This photo is similar to 97-1627.
Truman with cowboy boots
Truman receiving annual baseball pass
Truman with fish
President Harry S. Truman (center) receiving a gift of fish from the Guy Rathbun Post of the American Legion in Kelso, Washington. With President Truman are Congressman Russell Mack (left) and Senator Harry P. Cain (right), both of Washington.
Truman presenting National Press Club member card
Truman receiving gift from group of men
Truman receiving baseball passes
Membership plaque from the people of West New York, New Jersey
President Truman presented a Seminole shirt with a group of Seminole Indians and dignitaries looking on
President Harry S. Truman (front row, third from the right) admires the shirt given to him by Seminole Chief William McKinley Osceola at the dedication of the Everglades National Park in Florida. Admiral William Leahy (second from the right)and others are looking on.