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General John J. Pershing Arriving in France

American General John J. Pershing is shown in the center of the photograph disembarking from what is believed to be the steamship Leviathan docked at Cherbourg, France. He is arriving in France to attend the 9th National Convention of the American Legion. Catholic Church affiliated Knights of Columbus auxiliary secretary Mackey is on Pershing's left. This photograph is part of a group associated with the Knights of Columbus activities taking place in Paris during this American Legion event. The date is believed to be September, 1927.

Truman is Awarded an Armed Forces Reserve Medal

A serious President Harry S. Truman (right) looks down at the medal Brig. General Fred W. Warren has just pinned on his coat in a White House Rose Garden ceremony today. The decoration, with two clusters, is the first Armed Forces Reserve Officers Medal. Truman retired as a reserve officer last year after holding the rank of Captain for 30 years. Brig. General Warren, of Ft. Thomas, Kentucky, is Vice President of the Army Reserve Officers Association. Major General Harry Vaughan (rear) is the President's military aide. From: Houston Post.

President Truman Waits in a Thunderstorm for Secretary of State Acheson

Umbrella protocol is an impromptu affair tonight as President Harry S. Truman (center) waits in a thunderstorm at the Washington National airport for Secretary of State Dean Acheson to arrive from Honolulu, Hawaii. David K. Bruce, Under Secretary of State, has a ruffled parasol and Brig. Gen. Robert Landry, the President's Air Force Aide, a man sized model. Donor: Houston Press.