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Funeral rites and ceremonies

The Truman Family attend Fred Vinson's funeral

Former President Harry S. Truman, Mrs. Bess Truman, and their daughter, Margaret, arrive at Washington Cathedral today for a funeral service for Chief Justice Fred Vinson, who died Tuesday. Harry S. Truman appointed Vinson to the nation's highest judicial post in 1946. The former President and Mrs. Bess Truman came here from Independence, Missouri, for the service. Margaret came from New York. Same as 68-1478, only better print. From: Houston Post.

Funeral of John F. Kennedy

A photograph of the flag draped casket of President John F. Kennedy lying in state at the Capital. Honor guard and guests are shown around the casket. Mrs. John F. (Jacqueline) Kennedy and Caroline Kennedy are on the far right side of the picture. Attorney General Robert Kennedy stands just to her right.

Hearse Carrying the Body of Former President Harry S. Truman

The hearse from George C. Carson Funeral Home carries the body of Former President Harry S. Truman from the funeral home to the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library. The casket holding Mr. Truman laid in state in the lobby of the Truman Library prior to burial in the courtyard of the Library. Police and United States Army soldiers are standing in the foreground. All people are unidentified.