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Fund raising

Former President Truman Speaking at New York State Democratic Committee Fund Raiser

Former President Harry S. Truman addressing attendees of the New York State Democratic Committee Dinner at the Sheraton Astor Hotel in New York City. The former President expressed concern about the "Republicans making a shambles of bipartisanship in foreign policy." The dinner was a fund raiser. From: George S. Zimbel Collection.

Former President Truman at Fundraiser for Truman Library

Former President Harry S. Truman (left) with unidentified men and an unidentified priest at a fund raiser for the Harry S. Truman Library, Inc. (the organization that raised the money to build the Harry S. Truman Library). They are believed to be at the Muehlebach Hotel in Kansas City, Missouri. See 2009-2016 through 2026 for related photographs. From: Mo-Bee Photo Service.

Former President Truman at Fundraiser for Truman Library

Former President Harry S. Truman (second from right) seated with unidentified priests and an unidentified man at a fund raiser for the Harry S. Truman Library, Inc. (the organization that raised money to build the Harry S. Truman Library). They are believed to be at the Muehlebach Hotel in Kansas City. See related photos 2009-2016 through 2026. From: Mo-Bee Photo Service.