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Fund raising

Former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt and Former President Harry S. Truman

Former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt and former President Harry S. Truman smile for a photo. They are attending a banquet in former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt's honor. It is a fundraiser for the Democratic Party at the Waldorf-Astoria in New York City. Seven Presidential hopefuls will be in attendance. From: George S. Zimbel Collection.

Former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt and Former President Truman Chat before a Banquet

Former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt and Former President Harry S. Truman chat before a fundraising banquet. Adlai Stevenson sits at right. Former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt will be honored at the banquet at the Waldorf-Astoria in New York City. Seven presidential hopefuls will be in attendance. From: George S. Zimbel Collection.

Former President Truman Smiling Before a Broadcast Speech

Former President Harry S. Truman smiles before a speech. The former President's speech will be broadcast by CBS radio. The event being held is a fundraiser in honor of former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt. The meal is $100.00 per attendee. Seven presidential hopefuls will be in attendance. They are at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City. From: George S. Zimbel Collection.

Former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt and Former President Truman Chat before a Banquet

Former President Harry S. Truman chats with Former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt. Adlai Stevenson sits at right. They are attending a fundraiser in former First Lady Roosevelt's honor. The funds generated will go to the Democratic Party. Presidential hopefuls were in attendance at the Waldorf-Astoria in New York City. From: George S. Zimbel Collection.

President Harry S. Truman Receives Stamps

President Harry S. Truman (seated, left) receives a sheet of stamps honoring General Omar Bradley (seated, right) being appointed Army Chief of Staff. Standing from left to right are: General Harry Vaughan, Colonel Robert Landry, Captain Robert Dennison, and Commander Harold Gutekunst. These stamps will raise money for a trophy room honoring General Bradley in the public library in Moberly, Missouri, General Bradley's hometown.