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Friends and associates

From the back: former President Truman, Bess Truman, Mr. and Mrs. Rosenman, and a tour guide at Avignon, France

During his 1958 European trip, former President Harry S. Truman (the "Professor") and others begin a tour of Avignon, France, the city of Popes. Left to right are: A guide, Samuel Rosenman, Mr. Truman, Mrs. Samuel Rosenman, and Bess Truman. (From original slide SL2585) From: Truman Home.

Former President Truman, Mrs. Rosenman and Others on Bridge of the S.S. Independence near the Azores Islands

Former President Harry S. Truman (at left), Mrs. Samuel Rosenman, and Bess Truman (blue dress, partially obscured) on the bridge of the liner S.S. Independence looking at the volcano on the Azores Islands, Portugal. Left to right are: Mr. Truman, Mrs. Rosenman, an unidentified photographer, Captain of the Independence, and Bess Truman. (From original slide SL2609). From: Truman Home.

Former President Truman, Bess Truman, and Dorothy Rosenman on tour near Naples, Italy

A guide (center) points out the ruins of Herculaneum, an ancient city near Naples which was destroyed by lava from Mt. Vesuvius, to former President Harry S. Truman and Bess Truman, standing behind Mr. Truman. On their left is Dorothy Rosenman. The Trumans and Rosenmans vacationed together in Europe. (From original slide SL2613.) From: Truman Home.