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Town and Fortress in Gori, Soviet Union

Partial view of different types of structures with what appears to be some sort of high fortress behind them. Sign on hill appears to contain letters and a star sign is located above the letters. Location is not given. According to Charles Thayer's curriculum vitae: "In 1955 I made an extended tour of European and Asiatic Russia and wrote a series for the Saturday Evening Post on post-Stalinist Soviet Union." Although not identified, it is believed that this photograph was taken during that trip. The location is thought to be Gori, Georgia located in the Soviet Union at the time.

Village Street Scene in Stalin's Birthplace

Exterior view of a village street scene with both men and women in view. In the background appears to be some type of a fortress. Location not given. According to Charles Thayer's curriculum vitae: "In 1955 I made an extended tour of European and Asiatic Russia and wrote a series for the Saturday Evening Post on post-Stalinist Soviet Union." Although not identified, this photograph is believed to have been taken during that trip. The location is thought to be Gori, Georgia, located in the Soviet Union at the time.

President Truman and His Party Tour Fort Jefferson National Monument

President Harry S. Truman (with hat and cane on left) and his party are given a tour of Fort Jefferson National Monument by one of the historical guides at Fort Jefferson, off of Key West, Florida. Standing on the right of President Truman is First Lady Bess W. Truman. All others are unidentified. President Truman and members of his staff took a post-election vacation in Key West.