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Foreign aid

Merle Miller interview with Harry S. Truman, Tape 1, Side B

Conversation among Harry S. Truman, Merle Miller, David Noyes, and William Hillman, Tape 1, Side B. These tapes were the basis of the book "Plain Speaking." See finding aid for Merle Miller tapes for detailed information and description. Topics discussed on this tape include the Korean War; Civil War and Reconstruction in Kansas and Missouri; Point 4 program; and Truman Committee.

Dr. Philip C. Brooks: Excerpts from Interviews Regarding the Marshall Plan

This is a 2-tape set of Dr. Philip C. Brooks, Director of the Harry S. Truman Library, doing numerous beginnings of interviews in 1963 and 1964 with individuals connected to the Marshall Plan and the European Recovery Program in their respective countries. Dr. Brooks mentions that he is starting and stopping a tape recorder at times. Dr. Brooks tells the date and location when he begins an interview. He interviews people in Italy, Germany, France, Greece, London, The Hague, Denmark, Norway, and Belgium. None of the excerpts lasts longer than 5 minutes.

"Mr. Citizen," Interview of Harry S. Truman conducted by David Noyes and William Hillman

This is number 14 in a series of tapes (SR99-29 to SR99-43) made at the Harry S. Truman Library in preparation for the book "Mr. Citizen." William Hillman and David Noyes interview former President Harry S. Truman on various topics. This tape discusses the Point Four Program, religion, and the Federal Reserve in addition to several personal questions about Mr. Truman. There is a statement saying that if these tapes are found and questioned that they could be denied. Reel 1: Length, 65 min. 02 sec. Transcript available in Research Room.

Dinner in Honor of General George C. Marshall

Speeches by President Harry S. Truman, former Secretary of State George Marshall, and Norwegian Ambassador Wilhelm Munthe de Morgenstierne during a dinner honoring George Marshall at the Carlton Hotel, Washington, DC. The dinner celebrated the second anniversary of General Marshall's speech proposing the Marshall Plan. The speeches explain the Marshall Plan and how and why it worked. President Truman begins about 25:00 into the speech. From a recording in the Marr Sound Archives.