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Truman holding pistols

Senator Harry S. Truman, with unidentified people, holding two pistols. Man underneath picture on wall is probably Fred Vinson. Matte of photo is inscribed: "It's good to see the President with straight shootin' irons, even though they are Jesse James'. Herb Dalglish". Original is oversize. This was possibly taken at the Jefferson Island Club in Chesapeake Bay. Donor: Herb Dalglish. See also 77-9, Senator Truman posing with Jesse James' pistols.

Young Hungarian Adults Participating in Firearms Instruction

Interior view of a group of young adult men and women with teacher looking at youth with gun in hand. Identified as: "Hungarian Youth Organization and Pioneers together total almost one million members. Photo shows Hungarian boys and girls being taught about firearms." Also identified as young apprentices of the Ganz Waggon factory associated with the Union of Fighters for Freedom. Location given as Budapest, Hungary. Extract from Hungarian paper "Szabadsagharcos", January 1953 issue.