Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman (right), Ann (Mrs. Oscar) Chapman (left), and James Chapman (arm around Secretary Chapman's waist) have a group hug at an airport after arriving in Hawaii.
Ann (Mrs. Oscar) Chapman (third from left), James Chapman (in front of Mrs. Chapman) and others pose for a group picture during the Chapmans trip to Hawaii. Also pictured: Oren E. Long, Territorial Governor of Hawaii (second from right); and Geneva (Mrs. Oren) Long (left). All others unidentified.
Left to right: Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman; Ann (Mrs. Oscar) Chapman; James Chapman; and William J. Dougherty, Director of Information, Department of the Interior, after arriving at the airport in Hawaii.
Geneva (Mrs. Oren) Long (second from left); Ann (Mrs. Oscar) Chapman (center); Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman (third from right); James Chapman (seated on floor); and Oren E. Long, Territorial Governor of Hawaii, pose in front of a Christmas tree with unidentified people and a Hawaiian Santa Claus at Washington Place, the Governor's residence, during the Chapmans trip to Hawaii.
Left to right: Ann (Mrs. Oscar) Chapman; Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman; James Chapman; and Superintendent Guy D. Edwards at Shenandoah National Park.
Left to right: Ann (Mrs. Oscar) Chapman; Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman; James Chapman; and Superintendent Guy D. Edwards at Shenandoah National Park.
Left to right: Ann (Mrs. Oscar) Chapman; Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman; James Chapman; and Superintendent Guy D. Edwards at Shenandoah National Park.
Left to right: Ann (Mrs. Oscar) Chapman; Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman; James Chapman; and Superintendent Guy D. Edwards at Shenandoah National Park.
Assistant Secretary of the Interior Dale Doty (second from right) and unidentified family pose with Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman (left) after Doty's swearing-in ceremony.