The Robert E. Hannegan family in their St. Louis, Missouri home. Pictured (l-r): William Hannegan, Mrs. Irma P. Hannegan, Patricia Hannegan, Robert E. Hannegan, Jr., and Sally Hannegan.
The Robert E. Hannegan family posed for a family photo. Seated (l-r): Mrs. Irma P. Hannegan; Patricia Hannegan. Standing (l-r): Sally Hannegan; Robert E. Hannegan, Jr.; Robert E. Hannegan; and William Hannegan.
View of a Mongolian family including a man dressed in a native del coat and a woman holding a child. They are standing by their yurt or tent in an unknown location in Mongolia. Charles Thayer headed a party of fourteen Americans who traveled to Mongolia on a vacation in the summer of 1963, probably in June. They arrived at Ulan Bator and during the trip visited the Gobi Desert as well as the steppes of Mongolia and the site of the ancient capital of Karakorum.
Interior view of a family room with fireplace in view. Includes various unidentified persons seated. Probably taken at the Charles Thayer vacation home located in Germany. This photo is from a contact sheet for which we have original negatives.
Interior scene of at least eight people seated around a table, believed to be members of the family of Charles and Cynthia Thayer as well as perhaps friends. Charles and Cynthia may be seated at both ends of the table. Location believed to be the family's vacation home in Bavaria. Original 35mm negative.
Interior scene of at least eight people seated around a table, believed to be members of the family of Charles and Cynthia Thayer as well as perhaps friends. Charles and Cynthia may be seated at both ends of the table. Location believed to be the family's vacation home in Bavaria. Original 35mm negative.
Exterior view, taken perhaps on a boat showing the Charles W. Thayer family. Includes left to right: Cynthia Dunn Cochrane Thayer, Cynthia's daughter Diana Cochrane, and diplomat and author Charles W. Thayer. Location not given. Probably taken soon after the couple's marriage in 1950.
Exterior view of family group lined up at unknown location. Identified on back left to right: Charles Almy, Curtis Thayer Almy, John Almy, Ma, Sumner, Pop, Nini and Billy Slichter, Dawn, Bill, Jr., Bill III, Chris, Joyce, and Charlie Slichter.
A grouping of eight people including children and adults standing in unknown location, relating to Charles Thayer in some way. One of the children may be Thayer's son James.