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Truman with Yugoslavian group at Harry S. Truman Library

Former President Harry S. Truman with a Yugoslavian group visiting the Library. Front row, from left: Dr. Bruce Silcox, Carlos Marcus (Spain), Abdulah Huzbasic, Janez Hribar, Dime Bojanouski, Mr. Truman, Milivoje Milicevic, Svetolic Popovic. Back row, from left: Julian N. Smith, Dr. Juan Amic (Spain), Radoslav Savic, Ljubomir Mijatovic, Dusan Bogdanov, Marijan Koritic, Orval Lawson, Zivko Brajkovski, Ivan Paulovic, Dr. Javier Piernavieja (Spain).

Truman with Masonic officials

Masonic officials in the Research Room of the Harry S. Truman Library, standing before the Greta Kempton portrait of Mr. Truman, the Mason. Left to right, seated: Dr. Harold L. Reader; Judge Robert L. Aronson; Harry S. Truman; Frank P. Briggs; William H. Ut. Left to right, standing: Bruce H. Hunt; Judge Arthur U. Goodman; Professor Harold O. Gravel; Freeton K. Hadley; Martin B. Dickinson; Henry W. Fox; A. Basey Vanlandingham; Robert H. Mann; George Morrison; J. Renick Jones; Russell Murray; Judge R. Jasper Smith.