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Portrait of Lincoln Gordon

Portrait of Dr. Lincoln Gordon used in his oral history interview. Dr. Gordon was a consultant for the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission in 1947; a consultant with the Economic Cooperation Administration in 1948; and a special assistant to President Truman from 1950-1951. Donor: Dr. Gordon.

Portrait of Edwin M. Martin

Portrait of Edwin M. Martin which was used in his oral History interview. During the Truman Administration, was Chief, Division of Japanese and Korean Economic Affairs, Department of State, 1945-47; Chief, Division of Occupied Area Economic Affairs, 1947-48; Deputy Director, Office of International Trade Policy, 1948-49; Director, Office of European Regional Affairs, 1949-52; and Special Assistant to Secretary of State for Mutual Security Affairs, 1952-53.

Portrait of Robinson Newcomb

Dr. Robinson Newcomb, Director of construction research, War Production Board, 1940-45; Director, Office of Economic Research, Federal Works Agency, 1945-47; Economist, President's Council of Economic Advisers, 1947-50; Economist, Office of the Secretary of Commerce, 1950-51; Economist, Office of Defense Management, 1951-53; and Consultant and Technical Adviser on Highways, Committee for Economic Development, 1947-55.

Portrait of Paul R. Porter

Portrait of Paul R. Porter, used in the 1980 Conference, "The Conduct of Foreign Policy during the Truman Administration." Mr. Porter was Deputy Chief, then Chief, Mission for Economic Affairs, American Embassy, London, 1945-47, Chief, U. S. delegate, Economic Commission for Europe, Geneva, Switzerland, 1947-49; Chief, Economic Cooperation Administration Mission to Greece, 1949-50; Assistant Administrator, Economic Cooperation Administration, 1950-51; U. S. Special Representative in Europe, Marshall Plan, 1951; Deputy, U. S.

Portrait of Henry H. Fowler

Portrait of Henry H. Fowler, a participant at the 1979 Conference, sponsored by the Truman Library Institute. Mr. Fowler was Special Assistant to Administrator, Foreign Economic Administration, 1945; Deputy Administrator, National Production Authority, Department of Commerce, 1951, Administrator, 1952. Conference: "The Economic Policies of the Truman Administration."