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Lt. Col A. Robert Ginsburgh at the Douglas Plant, El Segundo, California

At the Douglas Plant, El Segundo, California, on November 3, 1941, Lt. Col. A. Robert Ginsburgh is shown at the podium on a wooden platform speaking to Douglas employees. In the foreground are a group of Air Corps officers from March Field, Riverside, and Albuquerque, New Mexico, on a tour to inspect airplane factories in Southern California.

Lt. Col. A. Robert Ginsburgh visits San Jacinto Ordnance Plant

A group of Army officers from Washington, D. C., headed by Lt. Col. A. Robert Ginsburgh, and men from Ellington Field visit the San Jacinto Ordnance Plant at Houston, Texas. This photo shows men on roofs and in trees in order to see the Colonel as he delivers his stirring speech to the tremendous crowd of ordnance workers. Col. Ginsburgh is not visible in photo.