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People gathered to see Winston Churchill and President Truman in Jefferson City, Missouri

A view of some of the people gathered to see Britain's former Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, and President Harry S. Truman in a motorcade from Jefferson City where they arrived on the Presidential Special train en route to Fulton, Missouri, where both will be presented with honorary degrees from Westminster College. From: Hathon M. Fields, Independence, Missouri.

President Harry S. Truman takes honors as he goes ashore after watching the Cornell-Navy crew races

President Harry S. Truman takes honors as he goes ashore after watching the Cornell-Navy crew races. A crowd of spectators and the Navy Band greet him. From: Captain Robert L. Dennison, U.S.N. A leather bound album of President Truman's visit to the United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland, May 28 to 30, 1948. These are the same photos as the album 66-1029 through 66-1054.